Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sparrow Tattoo Idea

This sparrow is a small bird is not flashy, buff and brown, it moved from here to there in the company of other sparrows, not on the run when, and when he wants.

Sparrow Tattoos This is typically used anywhere in the hand, wrist or arm, but they really can be placed anywhere on the body. Most sparrows are small enough like a bird tattoo themselves.

Traditional sailors will get a sparrow tattoo for every 5,000 nautical miles they traveled. You might get one after traveling 5000 miles and the second after another trip 5000. The origins of tattoos swallows returning to a ship called The Swallow, the crew of the ship rebellion. To know each other, seven rebels who started the rebellion sip a tattoo on their chest.

Sailors get the right to wear "blue bird of happiness" tattoos on either side of the chest after the equator. It is also said to protect sailors from drowning. This sparrow is said to have returned home safely to symbolize. When a sailor saw swallowed in the sea, he knew that he was very close to the ground, and swallows will lead them home. It is said that if the sailors did not survive the journey, and ended up drowning, the birds that fell on his soul and carry him from the murky waters, into heaven.

Swallowing can also symbolize renewal and fresh beginning. By swallowing looking forward to the future.

Johnny Depp's character Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, sparrow tattoos are very popular and many fans have tattoos in tribute. Sparrow tattoos also have their place in prison culture, where the sparrow tattoos symbolize freedom. These sparrows symbolize freedom, some offenders choose sparrows as a statement about their own freedom, especially when they get to release them from prison.

You should not assume common sparrow as the bird of love, but a lot of people. When sparrows mate, they mate for life. sparrow is a symbol of finding your true love and very popular with couples for their commitment and to show love and loyalty to one another.

Some tattoo artists will get a sparrow tattoo somewhere on their body to move the evil from their bodies because they tattoo demons and anti-religious designs every day. They believe that it will protect them against evil spirits.

Sparrow is mentioned in the Bible and some religious meaning. Sparrow tattoo tattoo should always be in pairs.

Egypt sparrow association / swallows with the stars and believe that the souls of those who have been arrested.

Lately Sparrow tattoo seems to be popular with people on the Rockabilly and tattoos on both sides of the boy's neck or chest or stomach for women.

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